Since watching this video I've been thinking about my own education as it was when I was a teenager. I've realised how lucky I was to be encouraged to follow topics that were close to my heart then, and as an adult too by being able to go to art school. All the while though, I was still in the system, and now - 10 years on- oh such freedom to choose my own unique path!
I have a deep urge to refresh and deepen own my learning around certain topics. I'm not in a position to go back to University, and I'm not sure I'd want to anyway. I'm too busy being out in the world, creating my life. However, I'm curious and I LOVE learning. I realise that when I'm a bit stuck, bored, or lacking in inspiration, that using the motivation to change my mindset and circumstances by learning something new gives me a new lease of life. It's a reminder of why I do what I do and of whether I'm on the right path for me in that moment.
I'm aware that I could fall in to the learning trap here, using learning as a way of procrastinating, so all the while I'm bearing in mind whether the things I'm choosing to learn are genuinely moving me towards a stronger place in my life and my business.
The Latin root of the word Educate is Educare which means 'to draw out'. Since I first heard this definition it has delighted me, further captivating my desire to uncover that inner potential in myself and in others.
So I'd like to ask you...
What aspects of yourself would you like to draw out? What kind of person do you want to become?
Let's sit down and figure out what lights your fire by asking even more questions... I LIKE to get you thinking - hee hee! :)
What long held dream or aspect of yourself is sitting in the shadows waiting for some attention. How do you imagine yourself to be?
Who is that bright and vibrant person inside, however deeply buried?
What fascinated you when you were younger that you've since abandoned?
How would you like to express yourself now?
What topics would you like to talk knowledgeably about?
How do you identify with yourself right now?
How would you like to show up in the world?
What makes you happy?
How can you take care of your body, mind and spirit?
The answers to questions like these will begin to form the basis of what we want to learn and bring us untold excitement to get started, and ultimately stick to this path of educating, expressing and taking care of ourselves.
Thinking about identity and what you want to learn
Always move towards being the person you want to become... don't forget that this is an ever evolving process, so don't worry too much about there being vastly different ideas swirling around.
There will be a thread that weaves its way though it all. A 'why' that ties it all together. You might not be able to see the thread yet and that's ok.
Cultivate patience and trust.
I identify with myself as becoming a creative soul, an outdoor girl, a lover and protector of nature and our precious planet, an advocate of education and community, self development and self-awareness, an idealist and quiet action taker who wants peace and harmony in the world; a leader, a lover of quality and a creator of things.
The becoming of you
There might be gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Those gaps are probably where you think you're not 'enough' of those things already to really BE that person. Which is of course not true since we're all on this journey called life.
We can't possibly know everything there is to know all at once. Choosing to learn and change is how we build in more of the good stuff we want in life, move closer and closer to the type of person we want to be and how we impact the world. At each stage we are enough and worthy of giving ourselves that opportunity.
Resist the urge to stop yourself from growing and evolving, or from giving yourself the chance to show up as your most sparkling self. Take a step forward.
I LOVE learning!