Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...

I've been a reflective mood and channelling my inner musical dame recently

And whilst I've  been listening I've been having a good look into the souls of who I've been helping with my work over the past few years.

I've begun to notice some patterns with the people and situations that I’m surrounded by and that come to me for my services, as a coach or as a creative educator

You may even see yourself reflected in some of these observations.

I've noticed that you are someone who wants to make a positive difference. However big, however small. But you've got stuck somewhere along the way, you don't know where to begin.

You want to make difference in your own life and in the lives of others

You're dreaming of creating a fairer and more beautiful world but you sometimes get lost in your imagination.

You're intrigued by other people's ideas on what is possible in doing and thinking differently.

You might have ideas of what you want to create but are feeling unsure of where to begin or you want to explore how to take things further with your own actions and creations.

You want to support people and communities to tell their story in their own way and to shine with vitality, meaning and peace of mind in life

You might be struggling with obstacles, like finding and allowing the time and space to think and to create what's in your mind. You might be fielding internal battles of self-doubt and anguish, and you are sometimes finding your focus drifting off- or speeding off- somewhere else when the road gets rocky.

You are seeing in your mind's eye that there could be a different way but you might be stuck in a habit of doing things and thinking about things the way they have always been done.

You might be coming up against challenges where you are left feeling dumbfounded and perplexed that others could possibly see things that differently from you. Because what you believe in is just THAT important, surely! You might feel downhearted sometimes but still have faith in something good.

You are driven to create, to transform, to educate or to stand alongside others in their transformation but can find it hard to stay motivated, especially if fear and procrastination set in. 

You have this uncanny ability to see the other side of the problem but can find it hard to get there sometimes, especially when you feel you are on your own in your mission. 

However, you enjoy solitude and autonomy but appreciate the opportunity to work in a small groups, especially when you understand and support each other's individual opinions and styles of working. 

You want a strong support system around you, that are there when you need them, whether that be with family, friends, colleagues, collaborators, educators or coaches. Whoever they are, you feel the need to have kindred spirits near by.

You might be struggling to know where you fit, where feels comfortable, what your role is and how you can find it or create it. 

You appreciate beauty and value the environment that surrounds you- whether that be indoors or outdoors, you feel the need to be nourished by your surroundings. 

You want a corner to call your own, somewhere where you feel inspired and comfortable.

You wish you could spend more time in nature, drinking in the elements. You feel being outside at least some of the time would be amazing for your soul and help you create with more clarity and focus.

You want to feel more certain, more clear and more peaceful in your everyday actions, trusting that the path you are on is the right one for you...and be able to turn down the volume on voice of your inner critic or the voices of people who might be behind that feeling of doubt.

You want to have enough of a routine to feel you have momentum but with enough flexibility to go for a walk outside to blow off the cobwebs or sit in the park for a feeling of refreshment. 

I see all this about you and more! I understand  and I want you to know that I see elements of my own longing in here too and I'd love to be one of your kindred spirits! It makes me glad to be able to help you get to those patches of clarity, of focus, of nourishment and flourishment!

I'd love to share in this emerging of your most glorious growing self.

I'd love it if you wanted to let me know more about you, tell me the things that you really want to learn more about, whether it be about yourself and your life, your creativity or your connection to nature.

Take a big deep breath, trust and reach out for that place you've been dreaming of, the place where there is hope, belonging and clarity

I'd love to help you and learn a little more about you.

Leave a comment below or if you'd like some help from me -your kindred spirit- get in touch to arrange complimentary discovery session

With warmth, wonder and wild warbling

Jaimie xx